Russia Flora: Plant, up to 25 (35) cm tall. Stems solitary, rarely 2-3 (4). Basal leaves rosette, sparsely pubescent along entire length with mostly spreading hairs or almost glabrous, sometimes, especially at base, densely semi-appressed-hairy. Rosette leaf blades 3-4 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, ovate, with cordate base, dissected into 5 mostly rhomboid or obliquely rhomboid primary segments, of which middle and two adjacent lateral segments are three-parted, with sparsely incised-dentate lobes, and two lower segments less divided and more developed; all segments sessile or almost sessile, with diverging or sometimes slightly touching lateral sides, sparsely hairy or glabrous along margin and veins. Inflorescence few-flowered, umbel-like, often reduced to a single flower. Peduncles at beginning of flowering usually 1.5(2) times longer than cauline leaves, sometimes shorter or equal to them, later elongating, in fruit much (3-5 times or more) exceeding cauline leaves. Flowers (2)2.5-3 cm in diameter. Perianth segments 5-6(9), up to 10(15) mm wide, elliptical or broadly elliptical, white. Nutlets up to 7 mm long, brown. 2n = 14 (Sokolovskaya, 1968), 14-16 (Sokolovskaya, 1963), 16 (Zhukova, 1966).
Distribution: Chukotka, Anadyr, Anadyr-Penzhina, Koryak, Okhotsk, Kamchatka, Northern Sakhalin, Upper Zeya, Bureya, Amgun, Ussuri (northern). (Fig. 21). - In tundra zone predominantly on gravelly herb-moss-lichen and dwarf shrub-herb-moss tundras, on meadows of coastal slopes and edges of snowfields; in forest zone - on mountain tundras, sometimes on rocks and stone screes along mountain streams and rivers. VI-VII. - General distribution: Eastern Siberia. - Described from Eastern Siberia.