Russia Flora: Plant, up to 25 (30) cm tall, without rosette. Root creeping, thin cord-like, with sparse tufts of filiform roots at nodes. Stems solitary, short-hairy, often with solitary, long-petioled basal leaves at base. Leaf blades 2-3 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, reniform or rounded-reniform, 3-5-lobed or sometimes almost three-parted, with lobes having few blunt teeth at apex. Involucre of 3 whorled, sessile, broadly rhomboid, three-lobed leaves 1-1.5 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, with obovate lobes, incised-dentate along upper margin; one of the involucral leaves usually underdeveloped. Flowers solitary, (1.5)2-2.5(3) cm in diameter. Perianth segments 5-6, about 4-5 mm wide, ovate, yellow or yellowish-white. Nutlets pointed-ellipsoidal, up to 3.5 mm long, glabrous, convex laterally, bordered along dorsal and ventral sides by slightly protruding rib-like vein; style long-conical, hooked or spirally twisted at apex, sturdy, pointed, easily clinging. 2n = 14 (Zhukova, 1966). (Table VII).
Distribution: Chukotka, Anadyr-Penzhina, Koryak, Kolyma, Okhotsk, Kamchatka, Commander Islands (Fig. 20). - In floodplain willow thickets, chosenia groves, alder thickets, among meadow herbs near early-thawing snowfields, less often in moist larch forests. VI-VII. - General distribution: Eastern Siberia; North America. - Described from North America.