Russia Flora: Plant, up to 15 cm (sometimes up to 30 cm in fruit) tall, sporadically developing underground stolon-like shoots. Root creeping, thin cord-like, slightly thickened near apex, with a whorl of relatively large brownish scales. Stems solitary, almost glabrous, with 3-5 basal leaves at base, fully expanding at beginning or sometimes after flowering; their leaf blades 1.5(2) cm long, 2-3(4) cm wide, fan-shaped or broadly ovate, glabrous or sparsely hairy, dissected into three sessile segments, of which two lateral ones are bilobed, middle one three-lobed; all lobes with few blunt teeth, sometimes entire-margined. Cauline leaves sessile, 2-3 times narrower than basal leaves, three-parted, with oblong, mostly entire-margined lobes. Peduncles elongating, in fruit usually 2-3 times longer than lower part of stem. Flowers solitary, 2-3(3.5) cm in diameter. Perianth segments 5-6, up to 1 cm wide, obovate, white, often with purple tinge and very short, appressed-hairy pubescence. Nutlets about 4 mm long, long and densely woolly-hairy, with base drawn into a stalk about 1 mm long; style almost horizontal at base and short-stiff-hairy, above - geniculately upward deflected, mostly straight, with hair-like apex protruding beyond nutlet pubescence. 2n = 16 (Zhukova, 1965).
Distribution: Chukotka (eastern). (Fig. 19). - In tundra zone, at foot and lower parts of south-facing slopes, in forb-shrub tundras, in valleys of streams and rivers, near snowfields, among nival meadow vegetation, rarely on pebbles, in grassy willow thickets; predominantly on carbonate rocks. VI-VII. - General distribution: North America. - Described from North America.