Russia Flora: Plant, up to 35 (40) cm tall. Root up to 10-15 cm long, sometimes longer, somewhat thickened, usually 5-8 mm in diameter, ascending toward apex, with large, short-lived, membranous scales, in whose axils easily breaking propagative buds form. Stems solitary, more or less drooping in fruit, glabrous or with solitary hairs, at base with (1)2-3 basal leaves with long petioles, pubescent similar to stem. Leaf blades 4-5 cm long, 7-10 cm wide, broadly cordate, dissected into 3 almost sessile segments: two lateral ones bipartite, with bi- or tri-lobed divisions and middle one usually three-lobed; all 3 segments entire-margined in lower half, incised-dentate in upper part, glabrous or sparsely hairy along margin. Cauline leaves 3 (one leaf usually underdeveloped), almost sessile, slightly smaller than rosette leaves, usually 4-5 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, broadly rhomboid, three-lobed or three-parted, with unevenly incised-dentate lobes or divisions. Inflorescence few-flowered, umbel-like, sometimes reduced to a single flower; peduncles drooping in fruit. Flowers (2)2.5-3 cm in diameter. Perianth segments (5)6-8(9), about 6-7 mm wide, mostly elliptical, white, long-persistent in fruit. Ovary short appressed-hairy, with large, sessile, irregularly globose bilobed stigma. Nutlets 3-5 mm long, ellipsoidal, without protruding veins, finely appressed-hairy, with rather thick (almost fleshy), greenish pericarp separated from seed. 2n = 14 (Sokolovskaya, 1960) and 21 (Starodubtsev, 1983).
Distribution: Southern Sakhalin, Southern Kuriles (Kunashir Island). (Fig. 21). - Along valleys of small rivers, on fresh alluvium among floodplain shrubs, on tall-herb meadows of coastal slopes and terraces, sometimes in wet places at foot of slopes in dark coniferous forests. VI-VII. - General distribution: Japanese-Chinese. - Described from Sakhalin: "Mgatch, 13 May 1861, Glehn" (lectotype - LE).