Japan Flora: Tree with gray-brown, glabrescent to loosely brown-pubescent branches; leaves oblong-ovate, acuminate, acute to cuneate at base, glabrous except for axillary tufts of red-brown hairs beneath or slightly pubescent on both sides, pale green beneath, with 7-9 pairs of rather slender arcuate lateral nerves, the short marginal teeth mucronate, the petioles 1-3.5 cm. long; staminate inflorescence consisting of 2 to 5 aments borne on the upper part of the branches, the pistillate consisting of 1-5 aments borne just below, the fruiting aments ovoid-ellipsoid, 15-20 mm. long. Mar. Wet lowlands
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; common and frequently planted around paddy fields; variable. Korea, Ussuri, and Manchuria.