China Flora: Tree, up to 30 meters tall; bark gray, flaky. Branchlets densely covered with white long hairs and resin glands. Leaves lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, 4-12 cm long, apex acuminate or caudal, base nearly rounded or broadly cuneate, densely covered with resin glands below, sparsely covered with long hairs along the veins, with irregular incurved spinous hair-like double serrations, 10-13 pairs of lateral veins; petiole 1.5-3(4) cm long, densely covered with white long hairs and resin glands. Female inflorescence slender cylindrical, 2-5 racemose, peduncle densely covered with yellow long hairs; bracts densely covered with long hairs, middle lobe oblong, lateral lobes auricular inconspicuous. Nutlets obovate, 1.5-2 mm long, apex sparsely covered with long hairs, membranous wings twice as wide as the fruit, part of the bracts exposed. Flowering in winter, fruiting in spring.
It is produced in Yunnan, western Guangxi and Hainan, and grows in wasteland, forest edges and sparse forests at an altitude of 700-2100 meters. It is distributed in Bhutan, Nepal, India, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The wood is light reddish brown, the material is tough, and the processing performance is good. It is used for decoration, plywood, textile tools, etc.; tannin extract can be extracted from the bark.