Korea Flora: Deciduous vine. Stems: Young stems covered with reddish-brown hairs that soon disappear; lenticels prominent. Leaves: Alternate, elliptic, broadly elliptic or ovate-elliptic, apex acuminate, base rounded or slightly cordate, 6-13cm × 4-8cm. Upper surface glabrous; lower surface light green with brown hairs along veins that soon disappear; axillary hairs brownish. Margin with low serrations ending in hardened points. Petiole 6-7cm long. Flowers: Cymes arising from leaf axils in middle portion of branches. Flowers borne in groups of 1-8, 10-15mm in diameter, white, with reddish-brown hairs on sepals. Ovary densely covered with brown hairs. Fruit and Seeds: Broadly elliptic, 2-3cm long, with light brown spots.
Flowering Period: May-June
Fruiting Period: September-October
Distribution: Central-western Honshu to Okinawa, Japan; Jeollanam-do, Korea