Korea Flora: Woody scandent shrub, 5m long, Winter buds minute, hidden beneath the membrane, branchlets brownish pubescent while young, sometimes thinly callose-hairy, leaf scars round, pith white, solid; leaves alternate, broadly oval, 8-14 cm x 3.5-9 cm. acuminate, rounded cordate at base, usually with brown pubescent on scattered callose hairs on upper side and on nerves beneath, petioles hairy, 3-4(5) cm. long; Inflorescence 1- to 3-flowered, axillary, pale brown-pubescent, pedicel 3-6cm long, flowers white, pendulous, 1.5 cm. across, sepals ovate, white-puberulent near margin; ovary glabrous; Fruit yellow oblong, acuminate, rostrate, 2-3 cm. long, taste sour. Flowering late May to mid July Fruting late Sep to early Oct Distribution: China North to south, Northeast, Far east Russai, Japan all over (except Ryukyu); all over in the Korean peninsula