Japan Flora: Tall tree with gray-brown smooth bark and much divided slender branches, the branchlets brownish red, puberulent, the lateral ones deciduous in autumn; leaves membranous, narrowly ovate or narrowly ovate-oblong, 3-7 cm. long (sometimes to 12 cm. long in young vigorous shoots), 1-2.5 (-5) cm. wide, long-acuminate, shallowly cordate to rounded at base, slightly scabrous or nearly smooth and dull above, young, the petioles 1-3 mm. long, puberulous on upper side; fruit sessile, nerved, about 5 mm. across, obliquely ovate- orbicular, glabrous. Apr.-May. Lowlands and mountains;
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; frequently planted around houses. Korea, China, and perhaps Formosa.
var. stipulacea Makino. Leaves pilose on both surfaces. Honshu.