[Ulmus laciniata f. holophylla Nakai, moreUlmus laciniata var. laevigata Inokuma, Ulmus laciniata var. nikkoensis Rehder, Ulmus major var. heterophylla Maxim. & Rupr., Ulmus montana var. laciniata Trautv.]
Japan Flora: Tree with pale brown branches puberulous when young; leaves rather thin, obovate to broadly obovate-cuncate, cm. long, 5-7 cm. wide, usually shallowly 3- to 9-Iobed toward the tip, ab-ruptly acuminate, obtuse or cuneately narrowed to an obtuse base, acutely double-toothed, scabrous and short appressed- puberulent above, pilose beneath, with 10 to 17 pairs of lateral nerves; samaras elliptic, glabrous, about 15 nim. long, the seed nearly at the center. May-June. Temperate forests;
Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu. Korea, n. China, e. Siberia, and Kamchatka.