Japan Flora: Tree with pale gray-brown branches and appressed-pilosulous branchlets; leaves oblique, broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, 5-10 cm. long, 35-6 cm. wide, acute to short-acuminate, obtuse at base, with short incurved teeth toward the tip, the lower margin entire, smooth or slightly scabrous and glabrous above. paler and thinly yellow-brown pilose to glabrous beneath; drupe red-brown, broadly ellipsoidal, 6-7 mm. across, the pedicels 6-15 mm. long. Apr.-May. Lowlands and hills;
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; very common. Korea and China.
Korea Flora: Deciduous tree. 20 m high, diameter of 1 m. winter buds triangular, pointed at the end, with 2-5 scales. terminal and lateral buds similar (1-5mm × 1-2.5cm). Young branches thin and densely covered with fine hairs. Leaf scars triangular or crescent-shaped. Leaves alternately arranged, ovate, elliptical, or long-elliptical, with an acuminate tip and cuneate base, measuring 4-11cm × 3-5cm. upper half of the leaf edge fine serrations, and both surfaces hairs that gradually disappear, leaving the surface rough. 3-4 pairs of lateral veins. petiole 2-12mm long and hairy. Flowers polygamous (both bisexual and unisexual flowers). Male flowers cymes from the axils at the base of new branches, with 4 stamens. Female flowers in groups of 1-3 in the axils of the upper parts of new branches, with 4 petals, 4 small stamens, 1 pistil, and style bifurcated and bends backward. fruit drupe, round, 7-8mm in diameter, yellow with a slightly reddish tint. Fruit stalk 5-12(15)mm long and fine hairs.
Sporophyte chromosome number: 20.
Flowering: May.
Fruiting: October.
Distribution: Central and southern China, Honshu to Kyushu in Japan; south of Hwanghae-do in Korea.
Ecological characteristics: It is shade-tolerant but tends to prefer sunnier conditions, growing well in sloped areas of flatlands with deep, moist soil. The roots are shallow.