Japan Flora: Tree with gray-brown branches densely yellow-brown appressed- hairy while young; leaves rather thick and firm, obliquely oblong, obovate or elliptic, 3-7 cm. long, 2-3.5 cm. wide, caudately long-acuminate, cnneate and acute or rarely rounded at base, with rather coarse appressed teeth on upper half,both surfaces appressed-pilose, scabrous above, pale-white beneath; drupe subglobose, brown at maturity, about 6 mm. long, the pedicels pilose, 5-10 mm. long.
Honshu (Kinki Distr. and westw.), Kyushu; rather rare. China and Korea.
Var. holophylla Nakai. Leaves obsoletely or not prominently toothed. Honshu (Chugoku Distr.), Shikoku.
Korea Flora: Small deciduous tree. bark gray. young branches green with yellow fine hairs. stipules narrow, 4-5mm long. Leaves alternately arranged, with fine hairs on both surfaces. petiole 2-5mm long. leaves spoon-shaped, elliptical, or ovate, with the upper part abruptly narrowing to a tail-like tip, with an acute apex and rounded base. edges of the upper half of the leaves deep serrations or lobes, measuring 4-7cm × 2-3.5cm, with two pairs of lateral veins. Monoecious (both male and female flowers on the same tree). Male flowers from the axils at the base of new branches, with small pedicels about 3mm long and hairy. stamens 4, opposite an equal number of petals. pistil reduced to just hairs. Female flowers in groups of 1-3 in the axils, with densely hairy ovaries. style deeply bifurcated, with hairs on the stigma. Fruit and seeds: The fruit stalk 5-12mm long. drupes round, about 6 × 6mm in size, and brown.
Flowering: Late April.
Fruiting: Early September to late October.
Distribution: Southern and central China, western Honshu in Japan to Okinawa; south of Hwanghae-do in Korea.