Tree with glabrous branches; leaves orbicular-cordate, 7-12 cm. wide, palmately 9-(7~ll)-lobed, shallowly so, cordate at base, duplicate- or incised-toothed, with long scattered white hairs while young, soon glabrate except for an axillary tuft beneath, the lobes narrowly ovate, acuminate, the petioles 2-3.5 cm. long, pubescent while young; in-florescence corymbose, few-flowered, pendulous, white-pubescent while young; flowers 10-15 mm. across, 5-merous; sepals elliptic or oblong, dark reddish purple; samaras pendulous, pubescent while young, often glabrate, the wings ascending, 2- 2.5 cm. long inclusive of the nutlets.
Woods and thickets on mountains;
Hokkaido, Honshu; rather common and frequently planted; many cultivars are grown in gardens.
cv. Aconitifolium. Leaves dissected almost to the base with deeply incised, rhombic-oblanceolate lobes.
var. insulare (Pax) Ohwi. Wings of samaras horizontally spreading. Honshu; var. kobakoense (Nakai) Hara. Leaf-lobes simply and coarsely toothed. Hokkaido.