Erect tree with spreading or ascending branches; leaves spirally arranged or appearing 2-ranked, linear, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, 2-3 mm. wide, rather abruptly narrowed to a short spinescent apex, abruptly short-petiolate at base, dark green with the midrib conspicuous above when dry, the lower side with 2 tawny stomatai bands occupying nearly the entire area except the margins and midrib; aril scarlet when mature.----------------- Mountains; Hokkaido, Honshu (centr. distr. northw. and Yamato), Shikoku, Kyushu.
Var. luteobaccata Miyabe & Tatew. Kimi-no-onko. Aril yellowish around a greenish seed.
Var. nana Rehder Japanese name: Kyaraboku.
Depressed low shrub with ascending, densely arranged branches and branchlets; leaves usually only spirally disposed and not appearing 2- ranked. Mountains; Honshu (Japan Sea side); much cultivated.
Erect tree up to 20m, 100cm in diameter, bark and stems reddish brown;leaves needle-shape foliage, spirally arranged or appearing 2-ranked, linear, 1.0-2.5cm × 0.2- 0.4cm, a short spinescent apex, base cuneate, dark green, the lower side with 2 tawny stomatal bands occupying nearly the entire area, deciduous after 2-3 years; Dioecious (occasionally monoecious), pollen cones ovoid with 6 bracts, 8-10 pollen sacs, seed cones with 10 bracts; Seed aril light-red flesh cup. Seeds 5 mm long 2n=24. Pollination April Seed maturity Aug-Sep Distribution China (Heilongjiang, E Jilin, Liaoning, Shaanxi), Far east Russia (Kurile Islands, Primorye, Sakhalin), Japan (Hokkaido to Kyushu); Hamkyong-do, Ryangang-do, Jagang-do, Pyongan-do to Ganwaon-do including Ulleung and Jeju
Ecological characteristics Cold and humid sites in subalpine