Tree up to 18m with flaky grayish bark, Twigs grayish or brown, glabracent, buds elliptic oval, resinous;leaves linear, 10-20mm × 2-2.5mm, slightly emarginated with 2 whitish stomatal bands resin canals 2, marginal; Pollen cones cylindric, about 10mm long, seed cones 1.8cm long, bluish purple, matured seed cones oval 4-6cm × 20-28mm, purple, bluish, or black, the bracts slightly exserted, reflexed; seeds with a short wing nearly as long as the seed, (3.5)6.5(9)mm × (2)3.8(5.5)mm. Pollinationg May Seed maturity late Sep Distribution Endemic to the Korean peninsula, Jellabuk-do to Jeju, Ecological chacteristics high altitude of mountaion (1,000m above)
Taxonomic Notes: This taxon is morphologically similar to Abies veitchii Lindl. distributed in Japan. Numerous literature indicated that discordance between genomic divergence and phenotypic variation within a genus is more probable because of hybridization during the Quaternary glaciations and/or rapid evolution. The variation in characters of leaf size and seed size except for the position of resin duct in needle leaves may seem not to be treated satisfactorily. The hybrid patterns based on marginal resin ducts are widely found in Jiri-san and Deogyu-san of southeastern Korea (Chang et al., 2000)