Japan Flora: Leaves slightly thicker, broader, flat above, glabrous, 2-6 cm. long, 3.5-5 cm. wide, rounded and abruptly petiolate at base, paler beneath, the nerves not impressed, the petioles 2-5 cm. long, often red- dish, the petals creamy white; fruit globose, blue-black; seeds tubercled.-May-June. Mountains
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. s. Korea.
f. hypoleuca (Makino) Ohwi. Leaves whitish beneath.
Korea Flora: Deciduous climbing plant. When the vine is cut, it emits a slight pine scent. Winter buds oval or elongated oval-shaped (3-5mm long), pointed at the tip, with 7-10 bud scales. Leaf scars kidney-shaped. Leaves alternate, with smooth edges, ovate or broadly elliptical. tip abruptly blunt and the base rounded. Leaf size 2-6cm × 3.5-5cm, hairless on both sides, with the upper surface green and the lower surface light green or whitish, and shallow tooth-like serrations. petiole 2-4cm long. Flowers dioecious, attached to the sides of branches. Flower 15mm wide, grayish-white in color, with 9-10 petals. Both female and male flowers numerous pistils and stamens. sepals elongate to 20-50mm after fruits. Fruits and seeds pendulous, hanging downwards. Fruits ovoid or spoon-shaped, 8-10mm in diameter, black in color, with 1-2 seeds that have protrusions on the surface.
Flowering period May to June.
Fruiting September.
Distribution southern Hokkaido to Kyushu in Japan; islands of Jeollanamdo and Jeju in Korea.