Japan Flora: Small scandent shrub; leaves membranous, narrowly obovate to obovate-orbicular, rarely elliptic, 4-7 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, glabrous or sometimes papillose on nerves beneath, the petioles 2-2.5 cm. long, pale green; flowers creamy white, pendulous on slender peduncles; petals oblong, about 10 mm. long, ascending; fruit globose, red; seeds smooth.-May- June. Mountains
Hokkaido, Honshu (n. and centr. distr.). -Korea, China, Amur, and Sakhalin.
Korea Flora: Deciduous vine. Winter buds elongated oval-shaped, pointed at the tip, with 4-6 bud scales, 3-6mm in length. Leaf scars circular or semicircular. Leaves alternate, broadly elliptical, elongated elliptical or ovate, gradually becoming pointed, with a cuneate base. Leaf size 7-10cm × 3-5cm, hairless except on the veins of the underside, with small tooth-like serrations on the edges. Petiole 1.5-2(3)cm long. Flowers dioecious, 15mm in diameter, slightly reddish yellow-white in color. 6-9 petals, 5-10mm long, ovate-oblong. flowers 5 stamens and numerous pistils. sepals 3-5cm long. Fruits and seeds in a tail-like form, red, spherical or obovoid-spherical, 6-12mm long, containing 1-2 seeds.
Sporophyte chromosome number 28.
Flowering late April to late June.
Fruiting late August to mid-October.
Distribution northeastern and northern China, Hokkaido to central Honshu of Japan; Baekdudaegan in Hamgyongbukdo to Gyeongsang bukdo and Jeollanamdo of Korea.