Russia Flora: Plant up to 15 cm tall. Rootstock short, ascending, weakly branching. Stem erect, simple, finely furrowed, with broad membranous scales at base. Basal leaves 1-2, petioles up to 5 cm long; leaf blade 3-7 cm long and wide, rounded-pentagonal, dissected into rhombic segments, incised into unequally dentate lobes. Stem leaf usually solitary, sessile, 2-5 times smaller than basal leaves. During flowering, leaves are underdeveloped. Flower stalks 0.5-2 cm long at beginning of flowering, 5-10 cm in fruit. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. Sepals 5(6), broadly elliptical or obovate, minutely notched at apex, thin, white or pale cream-colored, long-persistent. Nectariferous petals 5-7, up to 4 mm long, obpyriform or spatulate, orange; nectary pit at height of 0.5 mm from base. Fruit of 5-7 carpels up to 20(25) mm long. Style 8-18 mm long, thin, straight or slightly curved. 2n = 16 (Zhukova, Tikhonova, 1971). (Table I).
Distribution: Chukotka (west, east, south), Anadyr, Anadyr-Penzhina, Kolyma, Okhotsk (north). (Figure 4). - In wet valley and mountain meadows, sodded gravelly areas near streams, rock outcrops, limestone outcrops, near melting snowfields, in tundra, and also in larch forests. Flowering period: June-July. - General distribution: Eastern Siberia (Yakutia). - Described from Magadan: "Terra Tschuktschorum, in ditione fl. Anadyr, a fluvio hoc septentrionem versus ripa. June 3, 1869, № 2108. Leg. G. Maydell" (lectotype - LE).
Note: The indication that the locus classicus of T. chartosepalus is in the middle reaches of the Amguema River (Khokhryakov, 1977, cited work: 79) is a misunderstanding.