Japan Flora: Rather firm, pale green perennial; rhizomes stout, long-creeping; culms 40-100 cm. long, erect, usually simple, glabrous; leaf-blades linear, with involute margins or nearly flat, coarsely and sparsely pilose above, 8-20 cm. long, 5-8 mm. wide; ligules hyaline, truncate, ciliolate; sheaths ciliate; panicles at length exserted, erect, 15-25 cm. long, the branches elongate, ascending at anthesis, scabrous, 10 to 15 cm. long; spikelets on upper part of branches and branchlets pedicelled, pale green above, about 3 mm. long, scarcely lustrous, narrowly ovate-oblong; first glume truncate, 1/5-1/4 as long as the spikelet, the second and the sterile lemma equal, larger, weakly 7-nerved, acute, thick- membranous; fertile lemma white, lustrous, ovate-oblong, rather acute, nearly 2 mm. long. Sept.-Oct. Grassy places especially near seashores.
Shikoku, Kyushu. Ryukyus, Formosa, and in all warm and tropical regions.