Japan Flora: Rhizomes fibrous, branched; leaves glaucous, 40-60 cm. long, 1.5-3 cm. wide, without a prominent midrib; scapes 50-70 cm. long, with few short leaves, usually 3-flowered, the bracteoles broadly lanceolate, sometimes narrowly oblong, greenish, 5-7 cm. long, the pedicels shorter than the ovary; flowers blue-purple, sometimes white, about 12 cm. across, the perianth-tube short, the 이iter segments clawed, broadly ovate-elliptic, yellow in the median portion near the base, the inner ones oblanceolate, small, erect; anthers white; stigma-appendages nearly rounded. May-June. Wet places;
Hokkaido, Honshu; much-culti-vated in gardens. Manchuria, Korea, and China.