Japan Flora: Plants stoloniferous, the rhizomes short; stems 1.5 m. long, densely leafy toward the base; leaves laterally flattened, broadly linear, 30-50 cm. long, 2-4 cm. wide, glaucous, acuminate; inflorescence terminal, once or twice branched, the bracts few at the apex, narrowly ovate, membranous, obtuse, about 1 cm. long, the pedicels 1-4 cm. long; flowers 5-6 cm. across, orange-red, dark-spotted, the tepals narrowly oblong, obtuse, spreading, narrowed and connate at base; anthers about 1 cm. long; capsules obovate-ellipsoidal, about 3 cm. long; seeds shining black; Aug.-Sept.
Honshu (w. cHstr.), Shikoku, Kyushu. China and n. India.