Japan Flora: Yellowish green, glabrous perennial, 10-25 cm. high, with short rhizomes; stems scapose, few-lcaved, angled; rosette leaves rather thick, linear-oblanceolate to broadly linear, 8-15 cm. long, 5-10 mm. wide, subobtusc, gradually narrowed and sheathed at the base, the cauline leaves few, lanceolate, 2-5 cm. long, 5-10 mm. wide, short-sheathed at base; flowers 3.5-5 cni. long, few, pale yellow with blue-green spots, the peduncles 0-10(-20) mm. long; calyx half as long as the corolla, the lobes unequal, about half as long as the tube, deltoid-lanceolate, suberect, acute; plaits of corolla short, few-toothed; capsules short-stipitate, scarcely exserted; seeds reticulate, with 3-4 narrow wings. Alpine slopes;
Honshu (centr. and n. distr.). Korea, Siberia, and N. America.
f. igarashii (Miyabe & Kudo) Toyokuni. Plant low, about 10 cm. high; flowers 1-3, larger, to 5 cm. long. Alpine; Hokkaido.