Korea Flora: Evergreen shrub. Height 1m. Young branches glabrous except for the inflorescence. Leaves alternate, oblanceolate, apex acute but tip obtuse, 2.5-8cm × 1.2-3.5cm, margins entire, base gradually narrowing and continuing into a short petiole (1-2mm). Flowers dioecious, white, clustered at the tips of previous year's branches. Bracts broadly lanceolate. Calyx tube 7-8mm long with fine hairs. 4 petals, about 3mm long, hairy on the outside. Ovary ovoid and hairy, style glabrous, stigma capitate. Pedicel 2mm long with fine white hairs. Fruit and seed a berry, ovoid-circular, bright red, 8mm long, poisonous.
Flowering February-March
fruiting May-June.
Distribution: Southern Honshu to Okinawa in Japan; Jeollanamdo, Gyeongsangnamdo, and Jeju in Korea.