Korea Flora: Deciduous shrub. Height 1m. Young branches dark brown with downy hairs. Leaves opposite, occasionally alternate, lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, apex acute, base acute, 2-6cm long, without serrations. Upper surface initially hairy but becoming glabrous, lower surface with woolly hairs on veins. Petiole 4mm long. Flowers appear before leaves, 3-7 in umbel-like clusters at the tips of previous year's branches, with hairy pedicels. Corolla tubular, pale purplish-red, hairy on the outside, with 4 petals, elliptical, ovate-circular, broadly obcordate or spoon-shaped, obtuse, 4-9mm × 3-4mm in size. Calyx tube 10mm long, hairy on the outside. 4-8 stamens arranged in two rows, with short filaments and yellow anthers. Calyx annular. Pistil 3mm long, ovary hairy, stigma red. Fruit and seed round and white, 7-8mm long.
Flowering :March-May
Fruiting: July.
Distribution: Central to southern China, Taiwan; coastal areas from South Pyongan Province and Hwanghae Province to Jeollanamdo ince in Korea.