Japan Flora: Rhizomes slender, creeping, rather elongate; radical leaves solitary, long-petiolate, reniform-orbicular, 3-10 cm. long, 5-15 cm. wide, palmately 7- to 9- lobed or -cleft, incised and toothed, dull and nearly glabrous on upper side, long-pubescent on the nerves beneath; stems 15-40 cm. long, few leaved, long glandular-hairy; inflorescence glandular-pilose; flowers small, yellow-green; calyx-lobes narrowly deltoid; petals slighdy shorter than the sepals, obovate, about 2 mm. long; capsules ellipsoidal, 7-8 mm. long; seeds longitudinally and minutely tuberculate. July-Aug. Wet grassy slopes in high mountains;