Japan Flora: Rhizomes elongate, branched; leaves rather loosely arranged, ovate, 3-9 cm. long, 2-7 cm. wide, acute, cordate, 3- to 4- lobulate on each side and incised, long-hirsute on upper side and on nerves beneath, minutely glandular-pilose beneath; scapes hirsute on upper side and on nerves beneath, minutely glandular-pilose beneath; scapes 20-30 cm. long, glandular- pilosulous, many-flowered; calyx-lobes depressed-deltoid, acuminate, spreading, with a slightly recurved tip; petals pinnately parted into linear-subulate glandular-dotted seg¬ments; styles 2, short, the stigmas spreading, depressed-globose, sometimes retuse; seeds not papillose. Apr.