Japan Flora: Rhizomes thickened; leaves tufted, broadly ovate to orbicular- ovate, 3-6 cm. long and nearly as wide, cordate, acute, shal¬lowly 5-lobed, incised, long-hirsute on both sides, the petioles 3-10 cm. long, with coarse reddish hairs, the stipules scarious, glabrous; scapes long-hirsute; racemes glandular-puberulous, rather many-flowered; calyx-lobes depressed-deltoid, subacute, spreading in anthesis, with a slighdy recurved tip; petals red- dish, pinnately parted, the segments linear, glandular-dotted; stamens very short; styles very short, the stigma shallowly 2- lobed, the lobes retuse; seeds not papillose. May.