Japan Flora: Rhizomes elongate, branched; leaves rather loosely arranged, broadly ovate, 2-7 cm. long, 1-6 cm. wide, acute, cordate, acutely 5-lobulate, and irregularly toothed, long-hirsute above and on nerves beneath, the petioles 4-10 cm. long, brown- hirsute, the stipules glabrescent; scapes 15-20 cm. long, hirsute below, glandnlar-pilosulous above; racemes rather many¬flowered; calyx-lobes deltoid, acute, spreading, with a slightly recurved tip; petals pinnately parted into linear-subulate glan-dular-dotted segments; styles 2, bifid, the lobes entire or some¬what retuse; stigma not thickened; seeds papillose on back. Apr.-May. Along ravines and streams in mountains;