Japan Flora: Rhizomes thickened; leaves tufted, ovate to narrowly so, 5—10 cm. long, 3-7 cm. wide, acute to short acuminate, cordate, usually shallowly 5-lobed and incised, long-hirsute on upper side, glandular-hairy beneath, the nerves sometimes without glandular hairs, the petioles with spreading glandular hairs, the stipules ciliate; scapes 20-35 cm. long, glandular pilose; racemes many-flowered; calyx-lobes depressed-deltoid, acute; petals with 5-7 linear-subulate glandular-dotted seg¬ments; styles very short, the stigma thickened, the lobes retuse; seeds not papillose. Apr.-May. Wet places along streams and ravines in mountains;
Honshu (Kinki Distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu.