Japan Flora: Rhizomes slender, elongate; stolons filiform; radical leaves few, ovate- orbicular, 15-35 mm. long and as wide, often subcordate, ob¬tuse, obsoletely incised and short-toothed, scattered-pilose on both sides, the petioles 5-10 cm. long, slender, glandular- hairy, the stipules short; flowering stems 15-25 cm. long, short glandular-pubescent, often with a single small leaf; racemes few-flowered; calyx-lobes deltoid-ovate, acute, spreading, subrecurved at the tip; petals 5, pinnatiparted, not glandular; seeds glabrous, smooth, blackļ¼ June. Woods in moun¬tains;
Hokkaido, Honshu (centr. distr.); rare. n. Korea, Manchuria, Ussuri to Siberia, and N. America.