Japan Flora: Scandent shrub, 2-3 m. high, the young branches and leaves densely soft-pubescent while young; leaves often polymorphic, petiolate, cordate-orbicular, 8-15 cm. long and as wide, sometimes 3-lobed, obtuse to subacute, cordate, sub- coriaceous, glabrate above, gray-white pubescent beneath; flowers solitary in axils, pedicels 4-5 cm. long, densely brownish pubescent; calyx-tube recurved near the middle, the 3 lobes orbicular, glabrous inside, green-yellow, brown-striate, valvate and covering the throat in bud; capsules oblong, 6-ribbed, 5-7 cm. long; seeds elliptic, about 5 mm. long, rounded on back, strongly recurved, with a raised longitudinal line on ventral face. May-June.
Honshu (Kanto Distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Ryukyus and China.