Japan Flora: Scattered short-pubescent; stems much branched, ascending or decumbent, 10-30 cm. long; leaves ovate or narrowly ovate-deltoid, 1-4 cm. long, 5-20 mm. wide, obtuse, retuse or subacute, cuneate at base, nearly glabrous, the petioles 1-3 cm. long; inflorescence terminal, subelongate, 2-4 cm. long, sparsely branched below,the bracts narrowly ovate, short-awned at tip, about 1 mm. long; perianth-segments 2-3, oblong, acuminate, with a green midrib on back, about 2 mm. long; utricles about 1.5 times as long as the perianth, finely few-nerved. Aug.-Oct.
Naturalized near Tokyo. Europe, N. America, N. Africa, and S. America.