Japan Flora: Leaves obliquely obovate to oblong, sometimes ovate, 10-15 cm. long, 5-10 cm. wide, abruptly obtuse, obliquely trun¬cate at base, entire, with axillary tufts of hairs beneath, the petioles 2-4 cm. long; inflorescence short, 2- to 5-flowered; calyx glabrous, the limb minutely toothed; petals 7, broadly linear, about 2 cm. long, pale yellow-pubescent inside; stamens about 18 mm. long, the anthers about 1/3 as long, the con-nective densely appressed yellowish pubescent on inner side at base; style as long as the stamens, glabrous; stigma 2-fid; drupe ellipsoidal, 8-12 mm. long.
Kyushu (Sata in Oosumi, Yakushima, and Tanegashima). Ryukyus.