Japan Flora: Grayish soft pubescent; rhizomes short; stems suberect, 10-25 cm. long, with few pairs of scalelike leaves at base; leaves 2 to 4 pairs, the median ones obovate- spathulate, broadly oblanceolate, or oblong, 3-5 cm. long, 1.5- 2(-3) cm. wide, obtuse to rounded, with few coarsely undulate teeth, the winged petiole 1.5-3 cm. long; spikes terminal, solitary, 4-8 cm. long, the lowest verticil usually distant, the bracts broadly oblanceolate; flowers pale blue, many, the upper lip ovate, about 1.5 mm. long, shortly 2-fid, about 2/5 as long as the lower lip, the lower lip nearly as long as the tube, retuse and mucronate; nutlets about 1.5 mm. long. Apr.-May. Low mountains.