Northeastern Asian Flora
Northeastern Asia (SNUA)Our project aims to deepen the understanding of species' distributions by collecting and presenting occurrence data from six East Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, and Far East Russia). Furthermore, we seek to extract and present botanical data announced by each country and gather information on endangered species. At the project's core is a focus on sharing data within a species-specific category, avoiding biases based on specific flora and ensuring that data is not exclusively owned by any party. While GBIF already provides similar information, quality management of data requires more support and contributions from each country. Contacts: Chin Sung Chang administration: Chin Sung Chang, quercus@snu.ac.kr Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Data snapshot of local collection database Last Update: 13 July 2024 Digital Metadata: EML File Usage Rights: CC0 1.0 (Public-domain) Collection Statistics
Development supported by College of Agriculture and Life Sciences of Seoul
National University and Korea National Arboretum of Korea Forest Service.
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